Exciting deals on fireworks! Contact us!

Porosit tani në numrin tonë të telefonit dhe ne e sjellim tek dera juaj, shpejt dhe sigurt!

Te licensuar nga organet ligjzbatuese per te ofruar produktet e meposhtme.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Super cuna, thjesht pa fjal, e direkt nder tshpis! Bravo super sistem. Ide e u bukur ajo e zarfit

Jetmir D.

man sitting inside car
man sitting inside car

E porosita dhe korrieri nuk erdhi fiks ne orarin qe i kerkova, njs tpaktin produkti erdhi brenda dites.

Sara M.

woman with brown hair wearing white and black floral hijab
woman with brown hair wearing white and black floral hijab

Rreth nesh

Ne treg qe prej vitit 2011, fishekzjarre.com vjen ne nje risi ndryshe. Kundrejt rrezikshmerise ndaj artikujve piroteknike, fishkezjarre.com sebashku me produktin ju dhuron nje udhezues se si te perdorni lenden plasese duke shmangur dhe eleminuar rreziqet te cilat shkaktohen nga keto produkte piroteknike.

A spectacular display of large fireworks illuminating the night sky with bursts of bright, colorful lights and smoke. The fireworks create intricate patterns with golden and white hues, adding a sense of festivity and celebration.
A spectacular display of large fireworks illuminating the night sky with bursts of bright, colorful lights and smoke. The fireworks create intricate patterns with golden and white hues, adding a sense of festivity and celebration.
Fireworks illuminate the night sky above a waterfront, reflecting vibrant colors onto the water below. The display includes bursts of light and color in various patterns, set against a backdrop of distant city lights.
Fireworks illuminate the night sky above a waterfront, reflecting vibrant colors onto the water below. The display includes bursts of light and color in various patterns, set against a backdrop of distant city lights.